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Dave Cockcroft Photography

Taking in the view
Resting and taking in the view

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I like to explore the landscape in all its moods and to observe detailed seasonal changes. For me photography is all about the light and often an image exists for only a fleeting moment.

I am pleased to announce I have (as of December 2016) finally got around to setting up a website where you may buy prints some of my photographs should you wish to, or just take a relaxing look at them online. At present it’s a collection of images taken around and about Llangrannog on the heritage coast of Cardigan Bay in Ceredigion, West Wales.

For over 20 years we have had family holidays in Llangrannog, It’s one of those places that people keep coming back to and 20 years makes us relative newcomers. However we are lucky enough to be able to visit often as we have a property and large wild garden that leads down to the river Hawen. This enables me to take my camera out and about at all times of year and try to capture something of the beauty of the local scenery. I hope you enjoy the pictures, here’s a taster – there’s lots more at